联系人:洪 先生 (经理) |
电 话:400-0003435 |
手 机:15950555126 |
供应马鞍山同传设备马鞍山同传翻译 |
言鼎会议服务有限公司,成立于2008年.总部坐落于美丽的杭州西湖湖畔,另在浙江、江苏、安徽、山东、福建、上海等多地设有分公司。我公司主要经营国际会议中的同声翻译、同传口译及基于博世品牌下的同传设备租赁业务,同时亦可承接会议策划,灯光音响,背景板,投影仪等会议活动。如需马鞍山同传设备、马鞍山同声翻译,马鞍山同传口译或中英同声翻译,中韩同声翻译,中日同声翻译等可拨打咨询电话:15950555126 或 15384020710.期待您的来电,谢谢!
本公司是目前国内*大的专业同声翻译设备提供商,目前在全国布点均为直营分点,覆盖北京、天津、上海、马鞍山、杭州、深圳、广州、成都。引进德国BOSCH*新款二代产品,是国际上*先进的同传系统。并提供会议发言系统、投票表决系统、投影机、音响话筒等。专业同声传译设备目前主推第二代BOSCH同声传译设备-博世红外无线同声传译设备,它可以保证在任何类型的会场中进行无线的发射和接收。利用红外发射机可将各种语言传送到会议的各部位,用带有耳机的个人红外接收机收听。经过革新,第二代博世同传设备较*一代博世同传设备接收信号更强,干扰更小,音质更清晰。 此产品系列实际上可以解决任何同声传译要求。译员台可以提供多达31种不同的语言,它呆以独立使用,也可以作为受操作人员控制的综合系统的一部分。独立使用时,内置微处理器分配语言通道,通道传输和互锁。在受操作人员控制的系统中,译员台与专用同声传译软件(LBB 4172)配合使用来构成一个完整的同声传译网络。同声传译模块有肋于在此类系统中预设和监视同声传译状态。它可以提供直接和转播同声传译,并且可以建立31个译员工作间,每个工作间*多容纳2名译员。代表馈送装置和通道选择装置提供了用于选择所需传译语言的功能。言鼎会务目前自备*新二代BOSCH(博世)同传主机4套,同传接收子机1000套,能承接大部分国际会议、研讨会、新闻发布会等同传设备租赁服务。
Senior Account Manager:洪伟(HongWei)
Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
Thanks for visiting my post.we're willing to work with you.await you for calling. have a nice day.
A brief introduction of MaAnShan :
2200 years ago, the king of Xiangyu leaded 8000 of his picked troops to go on an expeditionto the army of Qin Dynasty from Caishi. In order to set up the war of empires, he was defeated by another person called Liubang later. They escaped to the south of Wujiang River. Xiangyu felt that he had no face to his people, so he commit suicide by sword. When his horse saw his master die, so the horse jumped into the river, the saddle with the saddle-cloth fallen into the ground. Until today, people think that the name of Mananshan related to the according to the legend.
Caishi Rocky has been vey famous of all ages in the south of Yangze River, which has attracted many famous person .Espically the famous poet Li Bai Of Tang Dynasty, according to the legend, on night , the great poet Li Bai was drinking here and writing the poetry, when he saw the shadow of the moon in the river , because he drank too much, so he jumped into the river for the moon, he regarded it as the real moon , finally he drowned due to drunk too much .The Caishi Rocky becomes much more famous because Li Bai ,the great had visit Caishi Rocky many times ,which leaving many famous poems.In the Caishi Rocky ,there is a Taibai Building .In the Taibai Building ,three are many poems,couplets, paintings from generations of the scholars and famous person. Caishi Rocky is the national 4A level scenery, the famous tourist attraction in Maanshan. Caishi Rocky is 5 kilometers from the city center, so the transportation is very convenient. |